
BTEC Tech Awards 2022: Key Information for New Centres

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TitleBTEC Tech Awards 2022: Key Information for New Centres
URL NameBTEC-Tech-Awards-2022-Key-Information-for-New-Centres

Centre Approvals

UK schools who have offered any Pearson Edexcel GCSEs in the last three academic years will be automatically approved to deliver BTEC Tech Awards 2022 across all subject areas, therefore no further action is required.


UK schools that offer BTEC Tech Awards or BTEC Firsts, but not Pearson Edexcel GCSEs, or offer them alongside GCSEs with another awarding organisation, will need to fill out a fast-track approval form. 


This will take up to five working days to process, dependant on internal checks. For fast-track approval, please contact us.


Other UK providers that wish to offer theses qualifications will need to submit a full application, including a JCQ Centre Approval application if not already JCQ inspected (CCEA Centre Approval in Northern Ireland, WJEC Centre Approval in Wales).

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Registrations and Entries

Registrations for all new BTEC Tech Award qualifications are available to centres meeting the above approval criteria via EDI or Edexcel Online. If making registrations using Edexcel Online, you will find the BTEC Tech Awards from September 2022 as a separate listing under the ‘Select Qualification’ dropdown menu. Please see BTEC Tech Awards 2022: Support Index for registration guidance.


As the internal assessments are now moderated within the series, entries must be made for learners wishing to sit the assessment in that series (entry deadlines can be found in the Key Dates Schedule). 


Entries can be made from 01 September via EDI, and via Edexcel Online.

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Pearson Set Assignments

Pearson-Set Assignments (PSAs) for internally assessed components will be released on in the first week of June for December/January series moderation (note: Art and Design does not have a December/January series), and the first week of September for May/June series moderation.  


Learners must be entered for the series in which they will be sitting each component, and the PSA released for that series must be used. Please check the date on the cover of the PSA to ensure the correct assignment is used for the series. It is not possible to undertake the PSA for one series and submit it for moderation in another series. 


Please note that each assessment series is intended to facilitate those learners who have been taught a sufficient portion of the content to contend with the assessment. Please consider carefully whether learners are ready to be entered for an assessment and achieve their full potential. 


You will be able to access the PSAs using an Edexcel Online password even if your learners are not being entered for the series. This will provide an opportunity to use the first released PSAs as mock assessments to give learners experience and build their confidence before sitting in a later series. 

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Key Dates and refreshed Quality Assurance

Refer to the Key Dates Schedule for the relevant academic year of the new BTEC Tech Awards to help you prepare and plan. You’ll find it on the BTEC Tech Awards (2022) landing page alongside plenty of other helpful information, including bitesize videos, links to published resources and information about our streamlined Quality Assurance processes.


The Vocational Quality Assurance Managers (VQAMs) have also prepared a range of support articles including Tech Awards. Please see the Vocational Quality Assurance Index for further guidance (updated information available from 01 September).


We have run several Quality Assurance networking events and will repeat them periodically. You can register for the ‘Quality Assurance for the BTEC Tech Awards 2022’ sessions on our Quality Assurance webpage or watch the bitesize video

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Updates to Specifications and Sample Assessments

Some clarifications and amendments have been made to our Specification and Sample Assessment Materials (PSAs and External Assessments). Please be sure to download the updated versions for reference.

Key amendments and clarifications are:

  • Where relevant, some Pearson-Set Assignments have added clarification that learners can refer to course notes during task taking sessions. 

  • Where relevant, some Pearson-Set Assignments have added clarification that monitored use of internet is allowed for the purposes of sourcing audio/visual content. 

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Live Training Events and Recorded Training Events

We regularly offer live sessions of our free ‘Marking and Moderation for Internally Assessed Components’ and ’Getting Ready for External Assessment’ training events which you can register for here. If you don’t see the event you are looking for, you can watch the recording of past sessions for your subject area, check back later when further dates are added, or contact us so we can help you find the best training resources to meet your needs.  

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ExamWizard for External Assessments

You can access exam questions through our examWizard service to create your own mock assessments catered to your learners. Questions are taken from the Sample Assessment Materials (SAMs) and from legacy Tech Awards exams where applicable, so you will have a good bank of questions to support your learners right from the start. 


Please note, Exam Wizard is only available for subjects with written external assessments.

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We are recruiting moderators for all new BTEC Tech Awards

The new BTEC Tech Awards will be moderated in line with new DFE requirements, and we are currently recruiting moderators across all subjects. Working with Pearson as a moderator brings you the added benefit of being standardised directly by the Senior Assessment Team in your subject and seeing the work produced by many other schools throughout the moderation process. 

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Requests for modified Pearson-Set Assignments

If you have learners entering for the first available assessment series who require modified versions of PSAs, please request them as soon as possible from the beginning of September to ensure delivery in October. All requests require approximately four weeks to fulfil. 

Please contact to place your order. Please note that these will not be available to order on Pearson Access Arrangements Online.

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