
BTEC Tech Awards 2022: Certification FAQs

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TitleBTEC Tech Awards 2022: Certification FAQs
URL NameBTEC-Tech-Awards-2022-Certification-FAQs
  • How do I make a certification claim?

You claim for certification by entering the cash-in code for the qualification, which you can find in our support article: BTEC Tech Awards 2022: Cash-in Codes. You can enter the cash-in to claim certification via Edexcel Online or EDI during the normal entry window for each series, or via Edexcel Online after the entry window closes, during the late certification window.  

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  • When can I make a certification claim?

You can make certification claims during the entry windows for each assessment series. After the entry window closes, you can make certification claims via Edexcel Online during the late certification window for the series (see table below). Following this window, you will need to contact our customer service team to request any late certification claims.  


When entering learners for the external assessment in the May/June series of their final year on the programme, whether it be the first sitting or a resit, you should make certification claims at the same time as entering for the external assessment and no later than the 5 July claim deadline. This will help to ensure your learners receive their results on time. 


The following table details the certification claim windows. Refer to our key dates schedule for a detailed look at all deadlines and key dates. 


2024/25 Certification Windows



Entry window 

Certification claims can be made via Edexcel Online and EDI 

Late certification window  

Certification claims can be made via Edexcel Online only 


6 September – 8 January20th March – 17 April
May/June  21 November – 1 May2 May – 5 July 

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  • How are certification claims reported on performance tables? 

If a learner sits their terminal assessment in January and is happy with their result, you should make a certification claim immediately during the late certification window. However, if a learner is not happy with their results and intends to resit, you may choose to delay claiming certification until making their resit entry. It is the learner’s first certification that will be reported in performance tables for the centre, even if the learner decides to resit the external assessment and recertificate.  

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  • Are there fees for late certification claims?

There are no fees for late certification claims. However, the certification windows for each series are in place to allow us to ensure learners can receive their results on time and progress on to the next step in their education or career. It is the centre's responsibility to make certification claims during the entry window or late certification window. After the late certification window for the series has closed, you must request any late claims by contacting our customer service team.  

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  • What are the certification options if a learner sits the external assessment in the January series? 

If a learner sits their terminal assessment in January and is happy with their result, the centre should claim certification immediately during the late certification window.  


However, if a learner is not happy with their results and intends to resit, the following options are available. 

      • Do not to claim certification based on the January sitting, and certificate based on the May resit.
        In this case, the final sitting will be used for the learner’s final qualification outcome, even if the previous sitting was higher. A learner cannot resit then choose to certificate using the previous sitting retrospectively. You should make the certification claim by entering the cash-in
        code  at the same time as making the entry for the resit, as this will be the learner’s second and final external assessment attempt. 

      • Claim certification based on the January result and then recertificate using the May/June resit result.
        If both the January and May sittings of the external assessment are used for certification, the learner is permitted to hold both certificates and use the highest result for their own progression purposes. However, it is the learner’s first certification that will count towards performance tables for the centre.


Please see the diagram below outlining these options. (Click to download PDF)


Please note: These options do not apply to creative subjects, which do not feature a January external assessment series.  

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  • Do learners have to pass every unit to achieve an overall qualification grade? How are absences treated?

    As there is no Level 1 Pass requirement in any component, a U (unclassified) grade in any component is considered an outcome and will allow learners to certificate, provided they have gained sufficient UMS points from other components. Every mark gained in each component counts towards the learner’s final qualification grade, so the individual component grades do not dictate the final qualification grade a learner could achieve. Please consider this carefully before entering a learner for a retake or resit that they may not need, as it is the UMS, not the grade, that is taken forward from each component. 

    Where a student has been entered for all required components of the qualification with the intention of certificating, and is then absent from one or more components, a partial absence qualification grade will be awarded based on the components the student has completed. This will be indicated on the student's certificate with a # symbol.  For a partial absence grade to be awarded, the student must have achieved sufficient UMS points and a cash-in must be entered.

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  • Will I be charged a late entry fee if I wait for results from the December/January series before entering for a retake or resit?

No. Learners who sat assessments in the December/January series can be re-entered for May/June assessments after results have been issued and no late fees will be charged. The entry deadline for these learners is 29 March; late fees will apply after this date. See Understanding our vocational qualification fees for further information.  

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  • How long will it take to see the qualification result after making a certification claim?

Results from certification claims entered prior to results day will be available from results day on Edexcel Online. Claims made after results will be processed and visible on Edexcel Online within approximately 24 hours. 


EDI files issued on results day will reflect qualification outcomes for those who have claimed certification prior to that time. Centres making late certification claims after results day will need to contact our customer service team to request an updated EDI file. 

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  • When will certificates be issued?

Certificates are issued approximately to centres to arrive by approximately the second week of May for certification claims made in the January series, and by approximately the second week of November for certification claims made in the May/June series.  


Certificates for claims made after the late certification window has closed in each series must be requested through customer services at the time of making the certification claim.

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  • Can I decline a certification?  

No; once the certification claim has been processed as a qualification result, it cannot be declined. However, you can request that we withdraw a cash-in entry prior to results being issued by contacting our customer service team.

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