Where a centre has been affected by circumstances beyond its control, it may, in exceptional cases, be possible to grant a short extension.
It is important that centres are aware that the timely release of examination results will be put at risk if the deadlines for the submission of marks and samples are not adhered to.
Awarding bodies will not accept late coursework marks where there are concerns as to the integrity of the marks.
For detailed advice, please click on the following options/FAQs:
Q: When are the submission deadlines?
A: December/January series - 15th of December The above deadline only applies to Internally Assessed and Externally Moderated Components. Task-Based External Components in the creative subjects do not run in the December/January series.
May/June series - 15th of May The above deadline applies to both Internally Assessed and Externally Moderated Components and Task Based External Components in the creative subjects.
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Q: When can a Centre apply for a Deadline Extension?
A: Extension deadline requests can only be granted for an unexpected and unavoidable delay that could not reasonably be planned for and should not be requested simply to give learners extra time.
Note that teaching staff being off work due to illness or injury is not normally regarded as a valid reason to delay the submission of work, as it is reasonable to expect that centres have planned contingencies in place for these cases.
School trips, half-term breaks, and school holidays are also not regarded as valid reasons to delay the submission of work, as it is reasonable to expect centres to have plans in place to complete assessments on time around these scheduled activities.
In line with JCQ guidelines, extension requests can only be approved in exceptional cases where a centre has been affected by circumstances beyond its control, i.e. those which were unexpected and unavoidable that couldn't reasonably have been planned for (examples of this include school flooding, fire or a cyber-attack leading to school closure).
As an awarding body, Pearson must follow the JCQ Guidelines regarding deadline extensions and ensure that extensions don’t impact negatively on the delivery of results, which could affect learners' progression.
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Q: Process for applying for Deadline Extensions
A: Centres will need to contact us using the Pearson Support portal with any appropriate evidence. Centres should ensure that they include as much detail as possible and confirm which qualifications and components they are requesting extensions for (e.g. Music Practice Component 3 or Health and Social Care Component 1).
The Assessment team will assess each extension request based on the details provided and will apply the same criteria to all extension requests, i.e. has there been an unexpected and unavoidable delay that couldn't reasonably be planned for?
After the Assessment team has considered the request, they will contact the centre with the decision. If the extension request has been granted, then the Assessment team will also confirm the agreed new submission date as part of the decision.
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Q: What is the maximum extension allowable for Internally Assessed and Externally Moderated Components?
A: December/January series A maximum extension to the 6th of January is allowable, but this will only be approved in the most extreme circumstances. If the 6th of January falls on a weekend day, then Centres can submit the work on the first working day after this date.
May/June series A maximum extension of two weeks to the 29th of May is allowable, but this will only be approved in the most extreme circumstances. If the 29th of May falls on a weekend day, then Centres can submit the work on the first working day after this date.
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Q: What is the maximum extension allowable for External Component Task Based Exams?
A: The supervised assessment window for Art & Design Practice, Creative Media Production, Music Practice or Performing Arts ends on the 8th of May, but centres will have until the 15th of May to upload learners’ work to LWT.
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Q: Can Deadline Extensions for Internally Assessed and Externally Moderated Components be approved for part of the cohort such as a single learner?
A: No, not unless the learner(s) constitutes a significant proportion of the cohort, as deadline extensions are for whole cohorts of learners.
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Q: Can anything be done if only a single learner in the Internally Assessed and Externally Moderated Component sample needs an extension?
A: In cases where a centre wants to request an extension for individual learners in a cohort, then the centre should manage this internally using the JCQ Guidance.
The centre should still contact the Assessment team using the Pearson Support portal to notify them that they will not be able to submit work from one of the learners and keep a copy of the response from the Assessment team.
The centre should then ensure that they enter their centre marks on Edexcel Online for all learners except for the learner that is yet to complete.
The mark for the learner that is yet to complete must be left blank (please do not mark the learner as absent).
The centre should then submit the learner work for the learners in the sample for moderation on Learner Work Transfer (LWT). If the learner that is yet to complete has been selected as part of the sample, the centre should substitute this learner with a learner of similar ability. This will ensure that the centre work is moderated and results can be issued.
Guidance on adding extra learners to LWT by using the Manage Learners button can be found in the following Support article: Learner Work Transfer (LWT) Moderation: Managing Requests - Video Guide.
When the learner has completed their work, the centre should enter their mark on Edexcel Online (which is why the learner mark must initially be left blank).
Please note that Pearson may contact the Centre to chase for missing marks in cases where learners have submitted work late.
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Q: Our Centre’s Deadline Extension request(s) has been turned down, are there any further options available to us?
A: Special consideration may be able to be requested for individual learners that are affected by circumstances beyond those covered by deadline extensions. Information about Special consideration can be found on the Pearson Qualification website.
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