What are Programme Control Measures?
Pearson takes a risk-based approach to inform sampling requirements at Standards Verification for each BTEC programme. By doing this, we can target Standards Verification to where it is needed most. Programmes can only have one Control Measure assigned – Standard or Enhanced.
What do the two Programme Control Measures mean – Standard and Enhanced?
Standard Control | Standard Control is the normal measure applicable to annual sampling. Sampling will be conducted remotely, and the sample submitted electronically. The SV will inform centres of the units and learners to be sampled. Please refer to the sample size tables in the Centre Guide to Standards Verification that can be located on our BTEC quality assurance webpage. | Enhanced Control | Programmes assigned Enhanced control will receive added guidance through a closer review of their assessment decisions, which will be reflected in the number of units selected for standards verification. Sampling will be conducted remotely, and the sample submitted electronically. The SV will inform centres of the units and learners to be sampled. Please refer to the sample size tables in the Centre Guide to Standards Verification that can be located on our BTEC quality assurance webpage. |
Please refer to the BTEC Centre Guide to Quality Assurance for further Programme Control Measure guidance.
When will I find out the allocated Programme Control Measures?
The norm for sampling is Standard Control, with Enhanced Control being applied in some cases.
Quality Nominees are informed by the end of Nov/beginning of December of the control measures applied to individual programmes. If this communication is not received, please contact us via the Pearson Support Portal.
I have a missing Programme Control Measure. What shall I do?
For programmes where learners were registered after the 1 November deadline, a Programme Control Measure will not have been generated. Please ensure that you have made all required registrations. You should then contact the Vocational Quality Assurance Management team via the Pearson Support Portal to let us know the programmes where a Control Measure has not been provided.
Please note: you should assume at least Standard Control will be applied as normal annual sampling.
If you have registered learners by the deadline and have still not received a Programme Control Measure, please also contact the Vocational Quality Assurance Management team in the first instance who will be able to advise.
We will be delivering a new BTEC programme this year, how will the Control Measure be determined?
All new programmes will be subject to a default Enhanced Control Measure. This is to ensure that you receive the required support in your first year of delivery. Where you have a new programme delivered over 2 years, you may not be able to provide a full sample in year one due to the delivery schedule. This is not an issue and will result in an NYFS outcome (Not Yet Fully Sampled). The SV may still be able to provide feedback on one assignment and we would recommend that, where possible, this is made available so that you have on-going confidence in the assessment judgements being made in your first year.
Can I have more information about how my programme control measure was decided?
We are unable to provide specific justifications for individual control measures. Since decisions are based on a complex array of variables, it is not feasible to isolate and explain the weight of any single factor. However, rest assured that the system is designed to reflect a fair and balanced assessment of each centre’s profile.
If I’m unhappy with the programme control measure assigned, can I appeal?
To maintain the integrity of this holistic process, there will be no appeal process for control measures assigned under this approach. The system is designed to be holistic, considering multiple factors rather than a single criterion. Given the complexity and range of data considered, the control measures are the result of a comprehensive evaluation. An appeal on one factor wouldn’t provide an accurate reflection of the overall assessment, which is why we have decided to remove the appeal process.
What specific factors are used to determine control measures for my centre?
The system considers a whole host of variables that are unique to each centre, including qualification type, cohort size, and historical performance data. These factors combine to provide a well-rounded picture of each centre and programme needs and risks, which are then used to assign control measures. However, we cannot provide specific details on the weight of each individual factor for a particular centre.
How often will my centre’s control measures be reviewed and updated?
Control measures will be reviewed and updated annually based on changes in your centre’s data. Factors such as shifts in student cohort size, changes in qualification offerings, and historical performance are all considered each year to ensure that the control measures remain accurate and relevant.
Will centres that have historically performed well be treated differently?
The process is designed to reflect each centre’s unique profile. The system is dynamic, and control measures will adjust based on ongoing data, including any changes in performance or centre characteristics.
Does the process apply to all BTEC qualifications?
The process is designed to apply to the following BTEC qualifications.
- BTEC 2012 BTEC Level 1/2 Firsts
- BTEC Tech Awards 2017
- BTEC Level 2 and 3 Technicals
- BTEC Level 3 Nationals (from 2016)
- BTEC 2010 Level 3 Nationals, Specialists, Level 1, and Entry Level
- BTEC Level 2 Skills (Creative Sectors Only) Please Note: For Art & Design Skills and Creative Media Skills qualifications, a unit refers to an assessment unit (e.g., A1).
- BTEC Level 2 Preparation for Public Services
- BTEC Level 2/3 ESports
Sample sizes for qualifications where there is a Licence to Practice, and ‘off measures’ programmes will still retain their bespoke sampling approaches. These programmes can be found below and will be given a ‘standard’ control measure.
- BTEC Level 3 Nationals in Dental Technology
- BTEC Level 3 Sports Coaching and Development with CIMSPA Accreditation
- BTEC Level 3 Sport, Fitness & Personal Training with CIMSPA Accreditation
- BTEC Level 3 Sports Excellence & Performance with CIMSPA Accreditation
- BTEC Level 3 Sport & Outdoor Activities with CIMSPA Accreditation
- BTEC Level 2 Technical Diploma in Children’s Play Learning and Development (Early Years Practitioner)
- BTEC Level 3 Nationals in Children’s Play Learning and Development (Early Years Educator) 2016 Specification Off Measure – Centre Visit
- BTEC Level 3 Art & Design Practice
What should I do if I believe the control measures for my centre are too stringent or unfair?
While we understand concerns, the system is designed to be as fair and accurate as possible by considering multiple variables that impact your centre’s unique profile. If you have specific questions or concerns, we encourage you to review our Centre Guide to Quality Assurance or the Centre Guide to Standards Verification, but please note that the decisions are final and cannot be appealed.
I have a Control Measure for a programme we are no longer delivering
Please confirm there are no active learner registrations linked to the programme within Edexcel Online. Your Exams Officer will need to process any outstanding claims or withdraw learners no longer on the course. Please contact your Account Specialist via the Pearson Support Portal if you require further guidance.
Does this affect Work-based learning (WBL) programmes?
Programmes subject to WBL quality assurance are not assigned a Control Measure. You should refer to the published support for guidance on the WBL quality assurance process you will need to follow for these programmes.
Managing vocational quality
For additional help and support for Quality Nominees and BTEC delivery teams, we have created dedicated quality assurance webpages that can be accessed via the Home of Quality Assurance. These webpages provide easy access to quality assurance guides, videos and resources, FAQs, regular updates, training events, live chat with an expert and much more.
We recommend Quality Nominees and BTEC staff join our Quality Nominees Group, here you can ask questions directly to the Vocational Quality Assurance Management team, browse posts/updates and share ideas and good practice with colleagues.
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