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BTEC Grade Calculators
Find out how qualification grades are aggregated for the BTEC Firsts, Tech Awards and BTEC Nationals (first teaching from 2016) with our grade calculators.
You can use the calculator to:
- calculate the overall grade that a learner will achieve based on their results for each unit
- model potential outcomes should a learner obtain certain grades in the external unit(s)
- plan your courses - the calculator tells you if a unit is internal or external
- check unit combinations will be eligible for certification
- use our Reverse calculators to ‘reverse calculate’ the required externally assessed mark and grade based on internally assessed unit achievement, and a qualification outcome.
To access BTEC grade calculators please click here. |  |
BTEC Equivalencies
It's not always easy to compare grades for BTEC qualifications with grades for GCSEs and A levels. You can, however, compare BTECs with GCSEs and A levels in terms of their level, size and content.
The tables below provide an overview of the range of BTECs available to learners at different levels and stages of their academic and professional career.
Age 14 - 16

Age 16 plus
Your BTEC options | Equivalent in standard to | Level | BTEC Level 1 Introductory | | 1 | BTEC Level 2 Technicals | | 2 | BTEC Nationals | A levels | 3 | BTEC Higher Nationals | 1st and 2nd yr undergraduate degree | 4-5 | BTEC Apprenticeships | | 2-3 | BTEC Higher Apprenticeships | | 4-5 | BTEC Foundation Diploma in Art and Design | | 3-4 | BTEC Specialist | | 1-3 | BTEC Professional | | 4-7 |
BTEC & UCAS points
A new UCAS tariff has been introduced for HE courses starting in 2017. The UCAS tariff-points for the BTEC Nationals are aligned with A levels in exactly the same way as they were previously on the old tariff.
For more information, including how many UCAS points will be awarded for grades achieved, please click here.
Please note: standard number of Guided Learning Hours (GLH) for A Level qualifications is 360, which is equivalent to BTEC Level 3 Nationals Extended Certificate. Please check the number of GLH for the size of your BTEC qualification when comparing it to A Levels.
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