
BTEC External Assessments: LWT Guidance

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TitleBTEC External Assessments: LWT Guidance
URL NameBTEC-External-Assessments-LWT-Guidance
lwt btec d copy.png 

Please select from the options below to expand and view support:

How to use LWT
Submitting learner work 

The following units need to be returned to Pearson via LWT:

SectorUnit name
20076KConstruction and the Built Environment Construction Design
20158K ITCyber Security and Incident Management 
20161K ITIT Service Delivery
20168K Applied Law Dispute Solving in Civil Law 
20170K Applied Law Applying the Law 
20175K Music Performance Ensemble Music Performance 
20177K Music Performance Professional Practice in the Music Industry 
20512E Performing Arts Individual Showcase
21262K Digital Technology IT Service Solutions
31489H Business/Enterprise and EntrepreneurshipDeveloping a Marketing Campaign 
31555H Performing Arts Investigating Practitioners' Work
31557H Performing Arts Group Performance Workshop 
31559H Performing Arts Individual Performance Commission
31561H Performing Arts Employment Opportunities in the Performing Arts
31588H Business/Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Principles of Management 
31589H Business/Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Business Decision Making
31668H Creative Digital Media Production Media Representations 
31670H Creative Digital Media Production Digital Media Skills
31674H Creative Digital Media Production Responding to a Commission
31725H Engineering Microcontroller Systems for Engineers 
31761H ITCreating Systems to Manage Information 
31770H Computing Planning and Management of Computing Projects 
31771H Computing Software Design and Development Project 
31809H Music Technology Music Technology Enterprise Opportunities 
31810H Music Technology Music Technology Daw Production 
31811H Music Technology Music Technology in Context 
31827H Art and Design Visual Recording and Communication 
31828H Art and Design Critical and Contextual Studies in Art and Design 
31832H Art and Design Managing a Client Brief 
31833H Art and DesignDeveloping And Realising Creative Intentions
51101N Business/Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Developing a Marketing Campaign (Welsh)

All other units not listed above should be returned by post to the following address:

Hellaby Processing Centre (Unmarked) 
Lowton House
Lowton Way
S66 8SS  

BTEC Authentication Forms

We now have 2 authentication forms which you can use depending on your requirements.  

  1. 1 form per learner
  2. 1 form per class

Both forms must be completed after the Assessment but kept in centre. These can be requested at any point up to results day.

Attendance Registers

You'll no longer need to complete an attendance register.

The status for each learner entered for the assessment(s) is automatically set as 'Present'. This marks the learner(s) attendance for the assessment.   Any learner(s) absent for the assessment(s) should have their status changed to 'Absent' using the status dropdown; this updates the learner(s) status for the assessment. By maintaining an accurate status for the learner(s), this replaces the need to complete an attendance register. Please see the following for detailed guidance: 
Learner place cards

As we’ve moved away from SharePoint for the upload of learner material, we will no longer be able to provide learner place card templates for BTEC external assessments submitted via LWT. You can use the entry confirmation reports function on Edexcel Online to generate your own if you would still like to use them.

For any BTEC units that are submitted via post to our Hellaby office, BTEC Learner Place Cards are still provided alongside your attendance registers and labels.

If you need to replace/reproduce any place cards, please see Exams: BTEC Learner Place Cards.

Learner handouts

We have produced learner handouts to make life easier for your learners; this can be placed on their desks ahead of the unit being taken.  

These can be found on the Admin Support Guide pages of the website.  

File sizes

To facilitate a faster uploading/downloading experience for users of Learner Work Assessment and Learner Work Transfer, ideal file sizes are 1GB or below. LWT will reject any files larger than 8GB because it will take too long to be uploaded: 

  1. Ensure the recording time meets the assessment criteria. 

  1. Use a file converter to reduce the resolution of a recording, e.g. 4K to standard resolution. 

  1. Record at a standard resolution rather than default, which might be too high 

  1. Please check the resolution that recordings are in - for example, if you've recorded at anything above HD, please use a converter to reduce this (typically, each step up in resolution, e.g. full HD to 4K, is a 4x increase in size).

  2. If a recording is at standard resolution but it is still too large, then compress the file to reduce its size. Please check any compressed files to verify the quality is as expected.   

For additional support to reduce file sizes of PDF documents using Adobe Acrobat, please see: 

Please refer to any subject-specific guidance about the submission of evidence, e.g. expected file format(s), method of providing evidence for learners etc.  

More guidance is available in our Learner Work Transfer (LWT): Supported File Formats, along with other support documentation on our LWT webpage. 

If you continue to experience an issue uploading your file, please contact Customer Support

Back to Learner Work Transfer (LWT) index page.

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Detailed Instructions
Not Applicable.

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