To enable certification of a BTEC programme, a claim is made to indicate which units have been completed as part of the learner’s programme of study. Only a valid combination of units taken from the criteria in the programme specification will qualify to produce a full certificate.
For guidance on checking claims for eligibility please select from the following options:
The ‘Qualification Structure’ outlined in the specification will provide a ‘rule of combination’ - the rules applicable to each unit group. This is used to formulate a valid combination of units, highlighting any ‘forbidden’ or ‘barred’ combinations. The specification can also include details of how an overall grade is calculated or if the qualification is ‘Pass Only’.
When processing a certificate claim on Edexcel Online (please see Certification: BTEC/NVQ Claims), a shorthand form of the rule of combination can be found on the learner record. This is visible when making a claim so you can check adherence to the programme requirements:
Edexcel Online provides a basic rule indicating the number of units/credits required and any minimum requirements. Please always refer to the specification to ensure you adhere to all of the programme rules.
Please see the example below to know where to find details that will assist in ensuring claims are eligible or in diagnosing an ineligible claim:
As per the details contained in the section of the page ‘Eligibility Formulae’, the above example requires the learner to have completed 60 credits from units in Group A and 12 credits from Group B.
Although credits are not a feature of NQF/RQF programmes, Edexcel Online will still use this basic method to ‘add up’ the units to ensure eligibility is met.
The ‘Status’ column will provide further guidance with the following values for each unit:
C – Core/M – Mandatory There may be a selection of these units required for all full certificate claims.
O – Optional There will be a selection of optional units that will be needed to meet the Rule of Combination.
Z – Meeting Local Needs (MLN) These units require an application and approval to add them to your course/programme.
Units from other programmes in the same sector can also be added to the programme by an Edexcel Online user. These units will not carry a value in the Status column and, as such, will not count to the overall eligibility of the claim. These units would represent additional learning outside the requirements of the programme.
If you find a claim is missing a unit, then you can re-process and add the missing unit to the claim by following the normal claim process.
If you find a claim has a unit which has been reported in error, please create a case record, providing details of the error, including the registration number and unit number. A Customer Services Specialist will update your case within two working days.