What is an Assessment Plan?
The Assessment Plan is an important document as it ensures your BTEC programme is effectively planned. It should be created at the start of a programme and used throughout the year, not only by the programme's delivery and internal verification team, but also the Standards Verifier will request to review this as part of the standards verification process.
The Assessment Plan shows the units/components that will be assessed and schedules when assessment and internal verification will take place. The Lead IV should work with the Assessors and Internal Verifiers to agree the assessment and verification dates for all cohorts, and the Lead IV is responsible for ensuring the plan is fit for purpose and meets regulatory requirements before they sign it off. |  | Back to top |
Can the Assessment Plan be amended during the academic year?
Yes, an Assessment Plan can be amended as it is a working document. Ensure version numbers are saved as the plan is changed. | Back to top |
Why are the Rules of Combination and other factors important when completing an assessment plan?
It is important that when creating your assessment plan that you plan your units in accordance with the rules of combination for the qualification. The ‘Qualification Structure’ outlined in the specification provides the ‘rule of combination’ (section 2 and 9 in each subject specification). The specification also details how an overall grade is calculated, if the qualification is ‘Pass Only’ and if any units have a minimum grade requirement.
The rule of combination requires you to consider:
- Do the units selected total the correct number of units (mandatory and optional) and Guided Learning Hours (GLH) to make up the qualification? E.g., if you are delivering a BTEC Level 3 National 720 Diploma, the unit combination should add up to 720 GLH.
- If the qualification has grouped units (Group A, B etc), have you made a selection from each of the required groups?
- Have you checked the suitability of the optional units? Have you selected the correct optional units for the programme size? Are there any specific units required for progression? Will you need specialist staff to deliver the units?
- Does your plan make best use of synoptic units/components so your learners can draw on their learning across the programme to develop the knowledge and skills required to achieve the very best they can?
- Have you made sure that at least one unit is available for Standards Verification prior to the SV deadline date (May). Build this into your plan at the beginning of the year.
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What support is available for creating an Assessment Plan?
Please refer to the BTEC Centre Guide to Internal Assessment.
We also have an on-demand continuing professional development (CPD) package focusing on Good Practice Producing Assessment Plans here.
On the BTEC forms and guides webpage, you will find an Assessment Plan Template to help you save time and fulfil your part in the BTEC assessment and verification process with ease. |  | Back to top |
Managing vocational quality
For additional help and support for Quality Nominees and BTEC delivery teams, we have created dedicated quality assurance webpages that can be accessed via the Home of Quality Assurance. These webpages provide easy access to quality assurance guides, videos and resources, FAQs, regular updates, training events, live chat with an expert and much more.
We recommend Quality Nominees and BTEC staff join our Quality Nominees Group, here you can ask questions directly to the Vocational Quality Assurance Management team, browse posts/updates and share ideas and good practice with colleagues. |  | Back to top | Back to Vocational Quality Assurance support index. |