T Level roll out
The Department for Education (DfE) have rolled out the delivery of T Levels since their launch in September 2020. All new Providers wishing to deliver a T Level for the first time must register with the DfE.
Please select from the options below:
You must become approved by the relevant Awarding Organisation to deliver the Technical Qualification that forms the substantial part of the T Level. You will need to be approved for each Technical Qualification you wish to deliver.
We are unable to offer Auto Approval for our providers offering similar qualifications.
As an Awarding Organisation, we have a responsibility to make sure you have everything in place to deliver the Technical Qualification. We also need to make sure you understand our Quality Assurance processes and have the correct polices and processes in place to deliver live assessment and examinations.
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Applications for delivery of T-Level qualifications can be made 24 February 2025 - 27 June 2025, for delivery to start September 2025.
Please note: Any applications received on the older form will not be processed and a new application will be required.
You must apply to become an Approved Provider for each Technical Qualification you wish to deliver.
Please see the Guidance to assist in the completion of the Pearson Vocational Provider Approval Application for T Level Technical Qualifications [.Docx Download] to support your application.
If you are an existing Pearson Vocational Qualification centre, for example, if you deliver BTEC or Functional Skills, then please complete the form linked below:
If you are a T Level Provider approved by an AO other than Pearson and an existing Pearson Vocational Qualification centre, please complete the form below:
If you are not an existing Pearson Vocational Qualification centre, for example, if you deliver Pearson Edexcel General Qualifications or no Pearson qualification at all, then please complete the form linked below:
If you are new to Pearson, this form is slightly longer – but it combines your Vocational Qualification approval and your Technical Qualification approval in one.
We have produced a guidance document to support completing this application form.
You will also need to complete the Pearson Professional Profile for each member of your delivery staff as a part of your application:
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Our Guidance Document will support you through the completion of your application:
Plus, if you have any questions, please contact us, and we will respond to you within 48 hours.
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We ask that Providers apply for approval well in advance of their first delivery cohort.
The Provider Approval process takes place between February and June of the academic year before you commence delivery. We will accept approval applications from the last Monday of February, and the cut-off point for applications will be the last Friday of June each year. Therefore, it is really important that we receive your application by this date so that we can process it in time to ensure that you have the right level of resources and staffing in place to successfully deliver the qualifications in the following September.
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