In each exam series, you'll need to make entries for exams and controlled assessment units using entry codes, unit codes and cash-in codes.
All entry codes are in our Exams Officer Information Manual here or the related specification.
- Entry code (linear specifications, e.g. GCSE) - A single code that covers all components within a specification. For example, if there are 3 papers, you only need to enter one code.
- Entry code (non-linear specifications, e.g. BTEC Tech Awards 2022) - A single code that covers a single component within a specification. For example, if there are 3 components, you need to enter one code for each component being assessed in an appropriate exam series window.
- Unit code (modular specifications) - A single code for each unit. You will need to enter each unit code for every unit. For example, one each for unit 1, unit 2 and unit 3 if applicable.
- Cash in code (modular specifications) - These are entered along with the unit codes. Once the correct number of units has been entered, the cash in code ties the units together, which enables us to produce an overall grade.
Please note: Only enter a cash-in code once the correct number of units has been entered to be eligible for the overall award. Entering a cash-in code without the correct number of units will cause the candidate to be ineligible.
- Option codes - Some specifications are available at Foundation or Higher Tier - which is indicated with an F or H alongside the entry code.
Some BTEC Tech Awards 2022 specifications are available in Welsh - as the option may change depending on the chosen qualification pathway; please see BTEC Tech Awards 2022: Qualification & Component Codes to ensure you use the correct option code.
Some specifications include multiple option codes - the option you choose normally affects the materials sent to you once you've made the entry.
If no option code is shown, all papers are compulsory, or there is only one option code available in that examination series.
Please note: that R Option Codes are for international centres only.