Pease note: Centres will only receive results 7B files for BTEC qualifications through EDI/A2C if entries have been made through EDI.
Centres will receive results files for Academic qualifications regardless of how entries were made.
Recommended Results Day A2C Application Settings
Before results day, make sure you check the polling settings on the A2C application. If you enable automatic polling, this will automatically check the connection to your awarding organisations. We would also encourage you to enable automatic send/receive in the settings menu over the results period, as A2C will then automatically send and receive files based on the send/receive frequency selected.
Please remember to click Save after making any changes to these settings:

If you are expecting a results file (including 7B results file) but cannot see it, please select from the following options:
Have you pressed the send/receive button?
A2C can download automatically, but it can also be configured not to. If nothing is showing, it’s worth checking the 'Send/Receive files' button has been pressed in the Inbox tab before anything else:

Have you checked the 'Pending' screen on A2C?
If there is already a file in the inbox with the same name, the new file cannot be moved to the inbox until the original file has been removed and archived.
Have you checked the 'Logs' screen on A2C?
The 'Logs' screen shows what has been sent and received. If you open this screen and select the 'Received files' tab, you can view what has been received in date order (the most recent files are listed first).
You are looking for a file that will be named like R9999910.X99 for GCSE or R9999911.X99 for GCE. Swap the '99999' for your centre number; the X99 will be whatever the next extension is.
If the file is listed on this screen, then the file has been received and it has been moved from the inbox. It may already have been downloaded into your designated folder:

Is your status ‘Ready’ and green for all awarding organisations?
If you have no connection to any awarding bodies, then it is a connection problem at the centre’s end. We can either send the results files via Edexcel Online or encrypted email or wait for your centre to fix the connection:

If your connection is red or orange for Pearson but not the other awarding bodies, it may be an issue with your access key. You can replace the access key by following the instructions in A2C: Importing Access Keys .
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