There is a red light against Pearson on A2C - what can I do?
First, please check that you have the latest version of A2C (you can find the latest version here) then select from the following options:
Only Pearson is showing red light
If all other AOs show green within the status tab, then please remove and reimport your access key that can be downloaded from Edexcel Online (EOL).
How do I import my new access key?
To be able to import your new A2C access key, please follow the processes below:
Remove your existing A2C key
Start up the A2C application and click on the 'Settings' menu option and then click on the 'Awarding Organisation Setup' tab:
Click into the drop down menu and choose 'Pearson' (You may see other awarding bodies here such as AQA/OCR/WJEC etc) and click on the 'Remove Awarding Organisation' button:
Click 'Yes' to continue and remove your old key for Pearson:
Install your new A2C key
Login to Edexcel Online and select ’A2C Services’ from the left hand menu on the home page and click on ‘Request A2C Access':
Click on ‘Request A2C Access':
Click 'Download Access Key' and copy the password shown in the box:
Using your computer's file explorer, locate the downloaded file (the filename will be your centre number with .a2cc as it's extension) and double click to open. It should open your A2C application. If you are prompted to selected a programme on your computer to open the file, you should select your A2C application from the list of installed programmes. The file cannot open if you do not have the appropriate A2C software installed:
You will be prompted to enter the password that you copied from Edexcel Online (step 3). Input the password (case sensitive) and click the 'OK' button:
Click 'Status' and where 'Pearson' is listed, you should now see a green light and 'Ready':
The above error can sometimes occur if someone else in the centre has requested a new key. This is because the existing key on A2C will no longer be valid; importing the key from EOL will resolve this issue.
If this does not resolve the issue, please contact our Customer Services team, as we can then create a new key for you.
(The screenshot below shows a green light under the status option):
All lights are redIf there is no connection with any exam board, this may be an issue with your Internet or A2C connection.
If you are cannot fix the problem, please check with your business's IT support team to eliminate any potential internal issues and also theAvco Systems FAQs before contacting your A2C/MIS service provider for further